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Cardboard Mobile Lunar Demo with LEAP Skeletal V2

This is a brief demo of the WrenAR lunar prototype using the Leap Motion's Skeletal V2 on mobile, this is using the latest non-mobile SDK, which has not been done before. Notable in this demo is a control scheme I developed which allows for a single button press plus accelerometer to control your character in 3 axis movement AND it also allows for free look to interact with WrenAR Float UI elements. It supports full hand gesture interaction with UI and 3D game elements. I have a version of this running Vuforia Augmented Reality, and another using the Oculus Gear VR sdk. Note: While this demo works fine, because it is using the latest non-mobile SDK from Leap, it can be unstable on mobile and can crash, just reset if you experience this, and I recommend letting it load a little bit before you start running around and touching things to increase stability.

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